Saturday, September 20, 2014

Welcome and Timeline


To Four Wars!

 Four Wars is a custom D&D setting I am going to post on. Throughout this story, you will see pictures to give an idea what the characters are seeing and you will follow the story of a group of adventurers. So let's begin by showing... the timeline!


FY001 - The realm is created by a split of another dimension. Some beings are accidentally thrown into this dimension. The first era began known as the First Era.

FY110 - The humans became the dominant race of the realm and began colonizing the planet.

FY115- Dwarves were discovered and giant underground cities were found.

FY116- The humans declared war on the dwarves due to them not obeying the humans wanting to be the dominant race.

FY125 - The war continued and another race was discovered hidden within the forest. Elves were found and joined the war on the Dwarves side.

FY130 - The humans lost the war and the cities and towns that belonged to the humans were abandoned. Many humans went into hiding, many was killed, and a large group of humans were enslaved by the dwarves and elves.

FY205 - A new race enters the realm being the Drow. Within three days, a quarter of the forests became dark and a huge war between the Elves and Drow begin.

FY210 - Humans begin to rebel from the inside and slowly, the remaining humans join the fight as a small race on the Drow's side. Immediately, the Dwarves kill off all humans in their lands and join the Elves side.

FY215 - Another race enters the realm and interferes with both sides. These are Goblins and their huge number greatly damages both sides.

FY216 - The gods intervene with the near extinction of both sides due to the goblin horde. Giants roam the land and begin picking off the goblins and force them into hiding. The war is postponed and new religions form. The humans abandon the Drow and begin working on their kingdom anew. The Dwarves blame the Elves for being weak and a hate relationship forms between these two races.

FY295 - The earth shakes allot this year and entire mountains begin to float in the air. Sky Islands form and a new race, the Deva are found. They swear protection on the humans and a new relationship forms.

FY300 - A new era begins and borders are formed. This begins the "Civilization Era."


CY100 - Half races are being noticed. Half-Elves, Half-Dwarves, and Goliaths. They are outcasts of the normal races and some cities ban half breeds.

CY110 - The Dwarves, Elves, and Humans become the three dominant races of the planet. They proclaim they aren't in an alliance but agree to keep peace.

CY115 - A dark race is found in the deepest part of the planet by the Dwarves. Tieflings are discovered and the Deva's immediately declare war on them as the Tiefling's declare an alliance with the Humans.

CY366 - The humans and elves discover the first source of magic. Magic begins to fill the dimension and both races begin to study it.

CY400 - Magic is misused by the humans and necromancy is formed. The elves warn the humans not to mess with it and makes a larger hate relationship.

CY??? - Magic is extremely misused by the humans and a new being ends up in the dimension. A new age begins and that is the age of the Dragons.


DY001 - Dragons begin to destroy civilizations and panic forms. The giants nearly go extinct because they fight the dragons and lose. Goblins go out of hiding and begin attacking races. Millions of lives are lost within the first year.

DY870 - Humans using enhanced magic (created with the elves) begin to slay the dragons. History is lost other then the history found on ruins.

DY 900 - The king of dragons was slain by a hero and named Ichdragon. The age of Dragons end and the era of Humans begin. Elves and Dwarves go into hiding and the Goblins go back into hiding.

DY 90? - Ichdragon is crowned king of the human race and announced the age of humans.


HY005 - Ichdragon has his first seven kids. He makes peace with the elves and dwarves which fear his great power.

HY006 - Ichdragon forces the Deva and Tieflings to make peace.

HY008 - The goblins go out of hiding because of Ichdragon and he allows them to make a colony. They are watched by the humans and are forced to not over populate.

HY010 - The Drow declare they won't join the large alliance and stay in their dark forests.

HY050 - Ichdragon, after a great reign, dies of old age around 70 almost 80 years old. His youngest son takes over as King and is named NiDragon. The eldest son commits suicide the same day.

HY055 - After much planning, the humans begin to enslave the goblins. Goblin families are torn apart and many are killed. The humans begin to repopulate the giants and force them to obey not the gods, but the humans.

HY063 - The Dwarves and elves begin to notice more and more humans in their territory. As a meeting between the tree great nations form, the humans attack and war begins yet again!

HY065 - The war between the humans against the elves and dwarves begin again. This time, the humans have giants, goblins, Devas, and Tieflings yet the Dwarves and elves do not work with each other due to the long hate relationship.

HY071 - After all the carniage, the Deva's notice the humans have changed. They no longer seem to have a pure side and leave the humans side. They join forces with the elves and join the war against the humans and Tieflings.

HY077 - The Dwarves join with the Drow in an alliance and declare war on the elves as well. 

HY080 - Dragonborn are discovered within the realm and join with the Dragons to free the goblins. The goblins join in and this large group begins to fight for domination as the fourth great power. The wars form what is known as the new era, the War Era.


WY001 - NiDragon dies and his second son becomes king, SunDragon.

WY100 - The Four War has gone for one-hundred years at this point. The great kings and queens are:

Human - ShiDragon (Female)
Elves - Respen (Male)
Dwarf - Ham (Pronounced Hom and Male)
Tiefling - Malzer (Male)
Deva - Angelice (Female)
Drow - Kel (Male)
Dragon - Ichatoor (Male)
Goblin - Keng (Male)

WY101- The humans discover the bones of King IchDragon was stolen by the new King of Dragons whom took on part of his name as an insult.

WY102 - Current Year



1) Humans, Tieflings, Giants
2) Elves, Deva
3) Dwarves, Drow
4) Dragons, Dragonborn, Goblins

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