Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chapter 1 - Part 1: The Camp

  To begin our journey, we are going to follow the first adventurer being Saul. Currently, he is roaming the west side of the human continent with two soldiers by his side. Together, they are examining the floating islands in the area. There has been several sightings of Deva and they have been sent out to confirm this fact.

Remember, these pictures are just examples and not exactly what the world looks like.
  As they near the area of the sightings, the floating island comes into view. The island is absolutely beautiful and no amount of words could describe it's glory. With a new found excitement, Saul dashes towards the floating island. The guards follow laughing at Saul and all his excitement and just remember the days they were his age.

  As they near the base of the floating island, Saul and the guards find something absolutely horrible. They find an Elven camp residing on the Human continent! Currently, the Elves and Deva are at war with the humans so finding such a camp worries the guards. After some talking, all three of them agree that the capital needs to know of this camp and send a small force to exterminate it.
  After some observation of the camp, one of the guards leave the group to inform the capital of their find. Saul and the remaining guard continues to watch the camp. They need to make sure not to be spotted or they may end up being captured.
  Hours pass and before they know it, the sun begins to set. They have had plenty of time to study the camp and Saul has been thinking of the purpose of it. Looking at the map, he realized this camp is about a two hours walk away from a town and possibly, they are planning to attack it.

  But suddenly, a light in the distance catches Saul's eye. The sight of an elf holding a torch is walking in his direction! Saul hides quickly using his decent ability to sneak around and the guard attempts to hide as well. But with his heavy armor and lack of stealth training, the scout notices him immediately as the torch radius reaches him.
  Unfortunately for the guard, he took off his helmet while he was relaxing. The Elven scout immediately fires an arrow towards the guard and with a scary precision, it pierces his neck and slowly kills him. But Saul isn't out of the fire yet, the scout immediately looks for any other humans. He signals the camp an intruder was found and more scouting parties are sent out.
  Saul realizes he isn't in a good spot and hiding now will just get him caught. He needs to escape the area and attempts to do so. Luckily, Saul is trained in escaping and stealth so leaving the area isn't too difficult. He gains a nice amount of distance from the camp and sighs with relief as the tension leaves his body.

  But suddenly, a woman's voice sends chills down Saul's spine. He turns around to find a red haired Deva and immediately realizes he has been found. The woman speaks to him with threats about exposing him to the others and Saul realizes this woman is definitely an enemy. He questions if he should fight her or try and get away from her in another escape.
  He slowly moves away from her, not caring if she realizes he is going to try and escape. But, as Saul walks away from her slowly, she follows him at the same speed. She isn't going to let him get any distance and this worries him. This time, he grabs his rapier and looks her directly into the eyes as a threat.
  The Deva in front of him beings to laugh realizing he is trying to threaten her. He realizes if he tries to fight her, she may signal his location to the others. But, there is no way to get away. With a swift movement, Saul begins an attack.
  Saul's attack barely misses and gives her a minor wound. He bites his lip knowing this may anger her but shows he isn't weak enough to completely miss.
  The Deva grabs her scythe on her back and immediately retaliates. Saul unfortunately falls backwards during the attack and her scythe slashes his chest. He falls backwards bleeding and curses his luck. Saul's vision becomes blurry and he realizes he can't win this damaged.
  After a short bit, the Deva leans over him and Saul realizes it's all over. But oddly, the Deva begins to heal him. The first time, she fails to stop the bleeding but the second time with more concentration, she patches Saul up. He questions why she did such a thing but it's most likely for interrogation. With the blood loss and his weakened state, Saul falls unconscious.

To Be Continued...

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