Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chapter 0 - Part 1: The Wild

 Before you read, know that this is a side story till the next chapter is done. Chapter 0 posts happen between posts and are technically not cannon, but kinda are. There won't be any reference to Chapter 0 posts so just enjoy them as a fun read.

Remember, pictures in the blog are not to be used as reference to what you are seeing!

  Arcaena, the Deva who has knocked out Saul, is currently carrying his unconscious body through the plains towards the nearest town. She is carries him carefully so he doesn't begin to bleed again. She worries about his condition a little but she quickly snaps back into reality hearing some thunder in the distance. The clouds have gotten darker and a storm is brewing.
  She understands she has to carry Saul a few more miles, so she decides to find shelter before the rain starts. After looking, she finds a hill with a deep cave in it. She quickly enters the cave right as the rain begins to fall and realizes the inside of the cave is pretty cold.
  Realizing this fact, she quickly runs to a nearby tree and uses her scythe to cut some branches. She makes sure to keep them dry returning to the cave and unconscious Saul. She reaches for her backpack and pulls out a fire starting kit. She uses it to start a fire and makes sure to keep Saul warm. She changes Saul's bandages and begins to wait for the rain to stop. 
  After some time, the sun sets and the outside world becomes very dark due to a new moon. After some more time passes, she hears in the distance some wolves howling. She moves closer to Saul with a very small fear and the outside world becomes very silent. The only thing she can hear is the crackle of the fire and the rain pounding the earth.
  She throws another few branches into the fire but suddenly...

  A wolf leaps into the cave from the darkness without warning. It bites her arm before she can react to the wolf. Though the pain, she grabs her scythe and attempts to attack the wolf. Luckily, her attack hits the wolf but it is bleeding and barely moving at this point.
  Now alert, she can hear the very faint sound of multiple footsteps running outside the cave towards her. Watching the wolf within the cave, she throws a branch outside the cave and she finds six wolves outside looking her down.
  At this point, she questions why she is protecting the weak man she nearly killed. At least he was stronger then the wolf but he is useless at this point. The wolves back away a little because of the fire but they won't stay away for too long. They have the odds in numbers and if all of them attack at once, Arcaena will die. 
  After some thinking, she says, "At least he is cute." Arcaena then uses her scythe to finish off the wolf and the other wolves look hesitant. But, they are also very skinny at this point and losing some pray with this amount of wolves could hurt them.
  Arcaena then gets the idea and throws the dead wolf out of the cave. One of the wolves begins to pull the wolf away from the cave and the others follow to get some of the meat. With the wolves gone, Arcaena bandages her wolf bite and proceeds to check Saul's wounds with a sigh of relief and pain.
  After she finishes, lady luck smiles upon Arcaena and the rain begins to stop but unfortunately, it is still very dark out. She proceeds to pick up Saul and takes a torch from the fire before proceeding into the outside world.

  Some time passes and finally, Arcaena reaches the town by dawn. She finds a tavern and proceeds to enter it. As she enters, she gains some very dirty looks from the humans within. One proceeds to throw a bottle at her and says, "Get your Deva ass out of here you scum!"
  She tells the man to screw off because she is helping someone and she is willing to pay a room for them. Immediately, the bartender tells the man to shut up because any paying customer is welcome. He begins to list off the persons tab and he immediately says he isn't going to pay a man who lets a Deva in his establishment.
  Immediately, the bartender gazes upon the man and he feels half petrified. The bartender slithers over revealing his long tail and the fact he is half Medusa. The barkeep then begins to strangle the man, forces him unconscious, and the town guard hauls the man off.
  Arcaena laughs and walks over to the barkeep asking him how much a room for two costs. He says it's on the house and not to bloody the sheets. She says if they are bloodied, she will wash them. Arcaena heads upstairs and begins to thoroughly examine Saul. Then, she begins to cure his wounds to the best of her ability.

End of Part 1.

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