Monday, September 22, 2014

Chapter 1 - Part 3: The Darkness & The Necklace

Remember, the art is just to give an idea and is not an exact representation on what you see.

  The new threat appears before Saul, the bartender, and Arcaena. Saul realizes if Arcaena is going to save those trapped within the tavern, him and the bartender have to hold off the magic user. Immediately, Saul rushes in an attack with his rapier. But, the magic user is allot different from the grunts. He dodged the attack with ease. The bartender realized Saul cannot handle him alone so he moves in to assist.
  Using a spell, the bartender summons an eagle into combat. The eagle flies into battle and attacks the magic user. The eagle gets an attack out on him using it's talons but it doesn't seem to faze the magic user much. Meanwhile, Arcaena jumps through the window of the blazing tavern. The building is extremely hot and several drunks are already dead within. Some are too weak to move and there isn't a way to get allot of them out through the window. She is either gonna have to make an easy escape route, take one or two with her, or abandon them altogether.
  Outside, the magic using elf begins his attack. He uses a fireball towards the bartender and it nearly misses. Part of his clothing catches on fire and the elves cheer at the fact the Medusa took damage. Due to this, the men begin to move and Saul realizes he isn't going to be able to help with the fight due to the grunts. He attacks one of the grunts and knocks him unconscious, now bleeding. With a death glare, Saul tells the grunts to back off and this intimidates the group.
  As this happens, the bartender throws his clothing on the ground not caring about being nude. It's not like he has anything to hide after all. At this point, he waits for the eagle to attack and yet again, the eagle hits the magic user for a little damage. The bartender then throws one of his Molotov's but the magic user isn't dumb enough to stand and wait for it. He dodges out of the way and looks quite pissed off over this fight.
  Inside the tavern, Arcaena attempts to kick open the door. Using as much force as she can, she kicks the door and the wood covering the doorway flies to the other side of the street. One of the elves is hit by the rubble and is immediately knocked unconscious. Arcaena begins to save as many drunkards as she can and grabs some bottles of alcohol.
  Outside, the magic user at this point decides to use a new spell. He uses a lightning bolt and this time, the bartender takes some damage. Saul realizes the bartender is now bloodied and moves to attack the magic user. Saul uses his Reaping Strike on the magic user and barely manages to hit him. But, fortunately, he finally hurts him to the point blood is visible.

  Immediately after being bloodied, the magic user pulls out an odd charm. Before anyone can get a good look at it, a drop of blood falls upon the charm and shadows cover the elf. Under the darkness, you can hear the elf screaming and before we know it, we have a different enemy. Saul feels a bit of fear from seeing this enemy but what worries him more is the fact an elf did this. Could it be a new weapon or is it something... more?
  The bartender understand that the enemy in front of him isn't going to be easily defeated. Instead of taking the hard route, he throws a Molotov and runs. The Molotov hits the shadow and seriously damages the creature. The bartender is now out of Molotov but is greeted with an Arcaena now carrying several more bottles of booze. He takes some booze and begins to make some more Molotov's.
  Saul tells Arcaena she needs to help the bartender before holding back the shadow. He uses an intimidate check which only makes it angrier. Meanwhile, Arcaena uses a spell to heal the bartender and this closes the wounds. The elves begin to run away noticing what the bartender is doing and he now has an evil grin on his face.
  The shade attacks Saul and he is hit with a weakening ability. He feels much weaker and falls onto the ground smiling. Saul just backs away and lets the bartender have his fun. Now with a great opportunity, the bartender throws the Molotov and it hits the shadow. The shadows fades into nothing and all that remains is the corpse of the elf which falls on the ground.
  After all this, the building finally falls from the fire and the Elven threat is over. After a bit of looting from the three of them, Arcaena kills the remaining unconscious Elf and the bartender scars a bill into his flesh for the elves. The elf is impaled on a stake and the entire town is now empty other then the three who fought the elven assault.
  The fire of the tavern finally fades and the bartender grabs what he finds remaining in his tavern. Saul walks up to the bartender and asks his name after all of this.  The bartender says his name is Argent and Saul is glad to finally know his name.
  After a bit of talking, Saul explains the best action to take would be to head to the human capital and report what they saw. Argent accepts to accompany him and Arcaena is very skeptical about entering the capital. Saul explains he can vouch for you but don't leave his side. She grabs his arm and says, "If that is what you want." Saul blushes and Argent says he will vouch for her as well.

  With new plans; Saul, Arcaena, and Argent head out and towards the capital. Saul wishes he had his trusty stead at this time and looks back at the village before heading off. Some time passes and the world just slowly passes by. As it becomes dark, they make a camp and each person watches for any animals. Luckily, nothing bothers them and they continue on their journey. Finally, they reach a nice stop somewhere between the capital and Argent's bar, a town.
  This town seems peaceful other then a glare a local farmer gives Saul and his odd companions. Argent sticks his tongue at him and Arcaena just ignores the glares like normal. Saul says everybody can go where they want but they should meet up around noon at the local inn.
  Argent leave the group and heads to the local market. He finds himself some hide armor to replace what he lost, a quarterstaff, and a backpack to hold his stuff. As he is shopping, a man tells Argent to walk up to his stall and look at some interesting items he has for sale.
  Argent slithers up to the man and he shows him a unique Dwarven Booze. He says he got it directly from the Dwarven continent and getting ahold of something like this is very difficult due to the war. Argent says he isn't going to buy it due to the fact he doesn't have a bar anymore and denies the offer. The man tries to stop him and shows him a necklace. He says this is something else he got on his travels and it's said to be a magical item.
  Argent asks what is supposedly does and the man says it allows a man to turn water into any alcohol they have tasted. It can only be done to a bottles worth of water and you can only do it once per day. Argent asks for the price and he says he can sell it for a mere 500 gold. But, if he buys the booze with it, he will cut down the price to 300 gold.
  Argent looks through his pockets and buys both the booze and the necklace and the man with a smiles, thanks him for the service. Argent samples the dwarven ale and heads back to the group, now nearly broke.
  During all of this Saul and Arcaena buy some necessities like bandages, water, and food. They meet up with Argent at the Inn and they are greeted with the farmer that gave the group an odd look. He tells the group they should get out of the town while they can.
  Argent asks why they should get out of the town and he says the town is cursed. The group doesn't care about what the man has to say and Saul rents them two rooms for the night. As they go upstairs, the man yells at them that he warned them.
  Argent says, "Just be happy you're bar is in tact, mine was burned by elves." He heads upstairs and the old man just sighs.

  The sun sets and the group falls asleep in their rooms. But, as they all fall into a deep sleep, a man creeps his way into Argent's room with a knife in hand. Argent cannot fit on a human bed like normal and moved his tail around the door. The man doesn't notice and ends up stepping on Argent's tail.
  Argent wakes up to find the man sneaking into his room and Argent pulls his tail to try and trip him with his club in hand. The man keeps his balance but stumbles a little backwards. He rushes towards Argent with the knife and misses him. Argent attacks with his club as an overhead swing and hits the man over the head. The club doesn't kill him but it knocks him out, now bleeding.
  Argent coils his tail around the enemies body and calls for some assistance. Arcaena enter the room with the innkeeper and the mask falls off the mans face as they enter. Argent finds the man who sold him the booze and necklace.
  Argent questions why he is being attacked and the innkeeper guesses the man is a mugger and doesn't know how he got inside. Argent asks if there is any law about killing muggers and he says not to do such a thing. He will take him to the proper authorities. Argent squeezes his tail a little bit tighter before letting him go and the town guard takes the man away.
  The innkeeper gives Argent half the money back for his room and apologizes for what happened. Argent holds onto the money to give Saul later and goes back to sleep. Now he is blocking the door properly with his tail in case of any attacks. Arcaena goes back into her room and lays down next to Saul before falling asleep again.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chapter 0 - Part 1: The Wild

 Before you read, know that this is a side story till the next chapter is done. Chapter 0 posts happen between posts and are technically not cannon, but kinda are. There won't be any reference to Chapter 0 posts so just enjoy them as a fun read.

Remember, pictures in the blog are not to be used as reference to what you are seeing!

  Arcaena, the Deva who has knocked out Saul, is currently carrying his unconscious body through the plains towards the nearest town. She is carries him carefully so he doesn't begin to bleed again. She worries about his condition a little but she quickly snaps back into reality hearing some thunder in the distance. The clouds have gotten darker and a storm is brewing.
  She understands she has to carry Saul a few more miles, so she decides to find shelter before the rain starts. After looking, she finds a hill with a deep cave in it. She quickly enters the cave right as the rain begins to fall and realizes the inside of the cave is pretty cold.
  Realizing this fact, she quickly runs to a nearby tree and uses her scythe to cut some branches. She makes sure to keep them dry returning to the cave and unconscious Saul. She reaches for her backpack and pulls out a fire starting kit. She uses it to start a fire and makes sure to keep Saul warm. She changes Saul's bandages and begins to wait for the rain to stop. 
  After some time, the sun sets and the outside world becomes very dark due to a new moon. After some more time passes, she hears in the distance some wolves howling. She moves closer to Saul with a very small fear and the outside world becomes very silent. The only thing she can hear is the crackle of the fire and the rain pounding the earth.
  She throws another few branches into the fire but suddenly...

  A wolf leaps into the cave from the darkness without warning. It bites her arm before she can react to the wolf. Though the pain, she grabs her scythe and attempts to attack the wolf. Luckily, her attack hits the wolf but it is bleeding and barely moving at this point.
  Now alert, she can hear the very faint sound of multiple footsteps running outside the cave towards her. Watching the wolf within the cave, she throws a branch outside the cave and she finds six wolves outside looking her down.
  At this point, she questions why she is protecting the weak man she nearly killed. At least he was stronger then the wolf but he is useless at this point. The wolves back away a little because of the fire but they won't stay away for too long. They have the odds in numbers and if all of them attack at once, Arcaena will die. 
  After some thinking, she says, "At least he is cute." Arcaena then uses her scythe to finish off the wolf and the other wolves look hesitant. But, they are also very skinny at this point and losing some pray with this amount of wolves could hurt them.
  Arcaena then gets the idea and throws the dead wolf out of the cave. One of the wolves begins to pull the wolf away from the cave and the others follow to get some of the meat. With the wolves gone, Arcaena bandages her wolf bite and proceeds to check Saul's wounds with a sigh of relief and pain.
  After she finishes, lady luck smiles upon Arcaena and the rain begins to stop but unfortunately, it is still very dark out. She proceeds to pick up Saul and takes a torch from the fire before proceeding into the outside world.

  Some time passes and finally, Arcaena reaches the town by dawn. She finds a tavern and proceeds to enter it. As she enters, she gains some very dirty looks from the humans within. One proceeds to throw a bottle at her and says, "Get your Deva ass out of here you scum!"
  She tells the man to screw off because she is helping someone and she is willing to pay a room for them. Immediately, the bartender tells the man to shut up because any paying customer is welcome. He begins to list off the persons tab and he immediately says he isn't going to pay a man who lets a Deva in his establishment.
  Immediately, the bartender gazes upon the man and he feels half petrified. The bartender slithers over revealing his long tail and the fact he is half Medusa. The barkeep then begins to strangle the man, forces him unconscious, and the town guard hauls the man off.
  Arcaena laughs and walks over to the barkeep asking him how much a room for two costs. He says it's on the house and not to bloody the sheets. She says if they are bloodied, she will wash them. Arcaena heads upstairs and begins to thoroughly examine Saul. Then, she begins to cure his wounds to the best of her ability.

End of Part 1.

Chapter 1 - Part 2: Greenback Tavern

Remember, the art is not an exact representation of what you see in the story!

  Hours pass and Saul wakes up lying in a bed with the Deva sitting next to him. He doesn't say anything and neither does she. She questions if he feels better and Saul looks away not saying a word. She apologizes for nearly killing him and Saul just sighs.
  "So I figure I am captured?" Saul says this with a sigh and waits for what she has to say. She says he isn't captured and just wanted to know why he was snooping around the Elven camp alone. But, Saul ignores the second part and asks where he was then.
  She says he is in the nearest town's Greenback Tavern. Immediately he asks if that means he is free to go. She looks at him with a devious smile and he realizes he isn't free yet. He questions what she is going to do with him. She doesn't say anything for a moment but afterward, she says she isn't quite sure yet. A moment of silence fills the room and suddenly, Saul's stomach growls like a lion's roar.
  She reaches over to a table next to the bed and shows him an apple. She tosses it to him and he begins eating it like he hasn't eaten for days. She says he can have more if he behaves and Saul glares at her with an evil look. She just smiles watching him eat with that horrid look on his face. She explains that he has been unconscious for a few days but the rest has mostly healed his body.
  After he finishes the apple, she hands him his water skin and he begins to drink the water in it. After a few minutes, he says he won't say why he was there because it is none of her business for being a Deva. She then explains just because she is a Deva, it doesn't mean she hates humans. She tells him he should be more open minded and not lump them into one category.
  Saul then says he still doesn't trust her. After a moment of thinking, she says she would like to have a chance to earn his trust. Saul just looks away with a hateful look and relaxes on the bed.
  "Fine then, be a jack ass. You attacked me first so it's not like I had a choice in fighting back." She turns away from him angry and he doesn't say a word.
  He gives her a bit and says he may tell her if he gets to know her better. He says his name is Saul and sighs after saying this. As a reply, she says it's nice to meet him and her name is Arcaena. Saul doesn't respond to this but notes the name.
  After a bit, Saul then sits up and is about to attempt to leave the room. Angry, Arcaena asks Saul where he is going and he responds with, "Taking a walk." Arcaena then stands up and says she will follow him. He shrugs his shoulders and exits the room with her.

  Going downstairs, Saul finds a nice group of humans and immediately, they all glare at him and Arcaena. Saul sits down at the bar and ignores the glares. She asks him why he is sitting at the bar and he says he wants a drink before going on his walk. She offers to buy him the drink and he pulls out a few gold coins saying he can buy his own drink but thanks her for the offer.
  She sits down beside him and they both wait for the bartender. Suddenly, a rare creature slithers to get them a drink. It is a male Medusa with Emerald Green snakes for hair. He looks at them and asks what they want to drink.
  Arcaena gets a light Elven wine and Saul asks the bartender to choose. He wants something nice to drink while walking but doesn't want to get dead drunk. He also doesn't want to get lightly buzzed by the whole bottle. The bartender gets him a light mead and Saul pays him for the drink and gives him a tip. The Bartender thanks him for the tip as a valued customer and Saul fills up his flask.
  As Saul stands up, a group of Elves enter the bar and Saul decides to sit back down biting his lip. Arcaena moves closer to him and one of the elves walk up to the bar. After a moment, the bartender walks up asking what the elves wanted to drink. The elf laughs and says, "I want all your earnings today to keep my men from burning down your tavern here snakey!"
  The bartender says if he isn't going to buy a drink, to get out and if they damage the bar in any way, he will hunt down all of their species. Immediately, the elf grabs a war-hammer and smashes a support pillar with a smile. "What is a worthless snake man going to do to me and my men, huh?"

Remember, the bartender has a tail and snakes for hair!

  The bartender attacks the elf with his tail and the elf backs away with a grin. The other men of the tavern throw down some gasoline and some other elves from outside throw in some torches. The bar catches on fire and the human drunks attempt to flee. The elves begin to cut down the humans and Saul immediately flanks the elf the bartender missed.
  Saul's rapier swiftly passes by the elves neck and slits his throat. The elf falls down and reaches towards Saul with great hatred. Meanwhile, Arcaena grabs some of the water of the tavern and begins to put out the flames. While this is going on, the bartender thanks Saul and begins to put some rags into the top of multiple bottles.
  One of the elves notices what the bartender is doing and decides to attack him. He attempts to pass by Saul and he gets his chance to stop the Elf. Saul uses his Reaping Strike technique and slashes down the second elf in one attack. The bartender says he owes him a drink now and Arcaena says he needs to protect her in a joking way. Saul blushes a little at the thought and the drunks look at the bartender now having the will to fight back knowing killing an elf will get them a drink.
  Arcaena finishes putting out the fire and begins dragging the hurt drunks out of the way. Meanwhile, the bartender asks the remaining Elf inside the tavern (there are more outside) if he will continue to cause trouble. The elf exits saying, "We will just burn it down from the outside!" The bartender heads outside and with a pissed look, he begins to throw the bottles at them. The elves run as the first bottle hits the ground now realizing the bartender has Molotov Cocktails. Several elves begin to burn while Saul and Arcaena go outside to assist the bartender.

  Suddenly, an elf shows up and uses a fire spell on the tavern. The fire spreads quickly and immediately, Saul realizes the tavern cannot be saved as the supports fall blocking the doorway. Several drunks are now trapped inside and the magic using elf isn't going to let anybody get inside. Arcaena now has the goal to get in there and save the drunks while Saul and the bartender have sights on a strong enemy.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 - Part 1: The Camp

  To begin our journey, we are going to follow the first adventurer being Saul. Currently, he is roaming the west side of the human continent with two soldiers by his side. Together, they are examining the floating islands in the area. There has been several sightings of Deva and they have been sent out to confirm this fact.

Remember, these pictures are just examples and not exactly what the world looks like.
  As they near the area of the sightings, the floating island comes into view. The island is absolutely beautiful and no amount of words could describe it's glory. With a new found excitement, Saul dashes towards the floating island. The guards follow laughing at Saul and all his excitement and just remember the days they were his age.

  As they near the base of the floating island, Saul and the guards find something absolutely horrible. They find an Elven camp residing on the Human continent! Currently, the Elves and Deva are at war with the humans so finding such a camp worries the guards. After some talking, all three of them agree that the capital needs to know of this camp and send a small force to exterminate it.
  After some observation of the camp, one of the guards leave the group to inform the capital of their find. Saul and the remaining guard continues to watch the camp. They need to make sure not to be spotted or they may end up being captured.
  Hours pass and before they know it, the sun begins to set. They have had plenty of time to study the camp and Saul has been thinking of the purpose of it. Looking at the map, he realized this camp is about a two hours walk away from a town and possibly, they are planning to attack it.

  But suddenly, a light in the distance catches Saul's eye. The sight of an elf holding a torch is walking in his direction! Saul hides quickly using his decent ability to sneak around and the guard attempts to hide as well. But with his heavy armor and lack of stealth training, the scout notices him immediately as the torch radius reaches him.
  Unfortunately for the guard, he took off his helmet while he was relaxing. The Elven scout immediately fires an arrow towards the guard and with a scary precision, it pierces his neck and slowly kills him. But Saul isn't out of the fire yet, the scout immediately looks for any other humans. He signals the camp an intruder was found and more scouting parties are sent out.
  Saul realizes he isn't in a good spot and hiding now will just get him caught. He needs to escape the area and attempts to do so. Luckily, Saul is trained in escaping and stealth so leaving the area isn't too difficult. He gains a nice amount of distance from the camp and sighs with relief as the tension leaves his body.

  But suddenly, a woman's voice sends chills down Saul's spine. He turns around to find a red haired Deva and immediately realizes he has been found. The woman speaks to him with threats about exposing him to the others and Saul realizes this woman is definitely an enemy. He questions if he should fight her or try and get away from her in another escape.
  He slowly moves away from her, not caring if she realizes he is going to try and escape. But, as Saul walks away from her slowly, she follows him at the same speed. She isn't going to let him get any distance and this worries him. This time, he grabs his rapier and looks her directly into the eyes as a threat.
  The Deva in front of him beings to laugh realizing he is trying to threaten her. He realizes if he tries to fight her, she may signal his location to the others. But, there is no way to get away. With a swift movement, Saul begins an attack.
  Saul's attack barely misses and gives her a minor wound. He bites his lip knowing this may anger her but shows he isn't weak enough to completely miss.
  The Deva grabs her scythe on her back and immediately retaliates. Saul unfortunately falls backwards during the attack and her scythe slashes his chest. He falls backwards bleeding and curses his luck. Saul's vision becomes blurry and he realizes he can't win this damaged.
  After a short bit, the Deva leans over him and Saul realizes it's all over. But oddly, the Deva begins to heal him. The first time, she fails to stop the bleeding but the second time with more concentration, she patches Saul up. He questions why she did such a thing but it's most likely for interrogation. With the blood loss and his weakened state, Saul falls unconscious.

To Be Continued...

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Finally, the characters! Here, I will post the main adventurers as they come into the story. Feel free to check back on this as the series updates! These will be links so feel free to click on the link and check it out! :D



-Reaping Strike: Str Vs AC
Hit: "1[W] + Strength modifier damage."
Level 21: "2[W] + Strength modifier damage."
Miss: "Half Strength modifier damage. If you're wielding a two-handed weapon, you deal damage equal to your Strength modifier."


Character is actually a Deva but builder doesn't have that as an option. Stats fixed.


-Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes:
You Add 1d6 to the triggering roll.

-Cure Light Wounds:
Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)


Character is actually a Medusa but builder doesn't have that as an option. Stats fixed.


-Hardening Gaze: Dex +2 or Charisma +2 VS Fortitude
Hit: Target is slowed to end of their next turn.
Lv 11: Dex +4 or Charisma +4
Lv 21: Dex +6 or Charisma +6
Effect: Target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls made against you until the end of their next turn.

-Vexing Gaze: Charisma +2 Vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic and poison damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to defenses until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: Charisma + 4, 2d8 damage
Level 21: Charisma + 6, 3d8 damage.

-Summon Nature Ally 1
Summon creature: Dire Rat, Eagle, Monkey, Octopus, Owl, Porpoise, Snake, Small Viper, Wolf

-Nature Sense
A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

-Wild Empathy
A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result.
The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a -4 penalty on the check.

-Woodland Stride
Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.




-Cloud of Darkness:
Hit: This power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.

-Darkfire: Intelligence +2 vs. Reflex, Wisdom +2 vs. Reflex, or Charisma +2 vs. Reflex
                 Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level.
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, all attacks against the target have combat advantage, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Special: When you create your character, choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power's other effects.

-Magic Missile:
Never misses. Does 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5)


Here, I am going to give information on classes for you to take a look at. It won't be exactly like D&D because this is a story, but I will be using the abilities of the classes and give them more as I feel they get stronger.

Coming Soon!


So now I am going to explain the campaign. The world is full of islands and overall, there is 7 major continents. On 5 of the 7 major continents, a king has set up his kingdom. Now, I will point out where the islands are and who owns them.

1) In the center of the world map is the land of the humans. This island is filled with plains and makes for good farming land. Here, the old kingdom's ruins sit next to the new kingdom.

2) To the south is a continent filled with forest. This island is owned by the elves and with the dangers of the forest, most people fear

3) To the north of the human continent is a continent owned by the Dwarves. This continent is filled with mountains and the terrain is very difficulty to traverse.

4) To the north-east of the human continent is the dragons continent. This is a continent filled with many different types of terrain. It is the home of any type of dragon and going here is suicide unless you're a welcomed guest. The goblins also roam these lands after being saved by the Dragons and some small tribes set up here.

5) The final island is to the south-east and the Drow owns this. The continent separated from the elves land many years ago and is a land full of dark forests and caves.



Tieflings live on most continents. The dragon continent is the only place you don't find them when you exclude the two continents nobody owns.

The Deva live on the sky islands floating around the world. The only sky islands without Deva are the ones around the dragon's lands and around the two continents nobody owns.

The Island to the West of the human continent is a holy land. A hold organization protects this island and going there is suicidal.

The final island is on the complete opposite side of the planet from the human continent. Nobody goes there because everyone who enters this land, never comes back.



So here are the races that will be found throughout the story. Feel free to look through them and check the new races as they are discovered.


Welcome and Timeline


To Four Wars!

 Four Wars is a custom D&D setting I am going to post on. Throughout this story, you will see pictures to give an idea what the characters are seeing and you will follow the story of a group of adventurers. So let's begin by showing... the timeline!


FY001 - The realm is created by a split of another dimension. Some beings are accidentally thrown into this dimension. The first era began known as the First Era.

FY110 - The humans became the dominant race of the realm and began colonizing the planet.

FY115- Dwarves were discovered and giant underground cities were found.

FY116- The humans declared war on the dwarves due to them not obeying the humans wanting to be the dominant race.

FY125 - The war continued and another race was discovered hidden within the forest. Elves were found and joined the war on the Dwarves side.

FY130 - The humans lost the war and the cities and towns that belonged to the humans were abandoned. Many humans went into hiding, many was killed, and a large group of humans were enslaved by the dwarves and elves.

FY205 - A new race enters the realm being the Drow. Within three days, a quarter of the forests became dark and a huge war between the Elves and Drow begin.

FY210 - Humans begin to rebel from the inside and slowly, the remaining humans join the fight as a small race on the Drow's side. Immediately, the Dwarves kill off all humans in their lands and join the Elves side.

FY215 - Another race enters the realm and interferes with both sides. These are Goblins and their huge number greatly damages both sides.

FY216 - The gods intervene with the near extinction of both sides due to the goblin horde. Giants roam the land and begin picking off the goblins and force them into hiding. The war is postponed and new religions form. The humans abandon the Drow and begin working on their kingdom anew. The Dwarves blame the Elves for being weak and a hate relationship forms between these two races.

FY295 - The earth shakes allot this year and entire mountains begin to float in the air. Sky Islands form and a new race, the Deva are found. They swear protection on the humans and a new relationship forms.

FY300 - A new era begins and borders are formed. This begins the "Civilization Era."


CY100 - Half races are being noticed. Half-Elves, Half-Dwarves, and Goliaths. They are outcasts of the normal races and some cities ban half breeds.

CY110 - The Dwarves, Elves, and Humans become the three dominant races of the planet. They proclaim they aren't in an alliance but agree to keep peace.

CY115 - A dark race is found in the deepest part of the planet by the Dwarves. Tieflings are discovered and the Deva's immediately declare war on them as the Tiefling's declare an alliance with the Humans.

CY366 - The humans and elves discover the first source of magic. Magic begins to fill the dimension and both races begin to study it.

CY400 - Magic is misused by the humans and necromancy is formed. The elves warn the humans not to mess with it and makes a larger hate relationship.

CY??? - Magic is extremely misused by the humans and a new being ends up in the dimension. A new age begins and that is the age of the Dragons.


DY001 - Dragons begin to destroy civilizations and panic forms. The giants nearly go extinct because they fight the dragons and lose. Goblins go out of hiding and begin attacking races. Millions of lives are lost within the first year.

DY870 - Humans using enhanced magic (created with the elves) begin to slay the dragons. History is lost other then the history found on ruins.

DY 900 - The king of dragons was slain by a hero and named Ichdragon. The age of Dragons end and the era of Humans begin. Elves and Dwarves go into hiding and the Goblins go back into hiding.

DY 90? - Ichdragon is crowned king of the human race and announced the age of humans.


HY005 - Ichdragon has his first seven kids. He makes peace with the elves and dwarves which fear his great power.

HY006 - Ichdragon forces the Deva and Tieflings to make peace.

HY008 - The goblins go out of hiding because of Ichdragon and he allows them to make a colony. They are watched by the humans and are forced to not over populate.

HY010 - The Drow declare they won't join the large alliance and stay in their dark forests.

HY050 - Ichdragon, after a great reign, dies of old age around 70 almost 80 years old. His youngest son takes over as King and is named NiDragon. The eldest son commits suicide the same day.

HY055 - After much planning, the humans begin to enslave the goblins. Goblin families are torn apart and many are killed. The humans begin to repopulate the giants and force them to obey not the gods, but the humans.

HY063 - The Dwarves and elves begin to notice more and more humans in their territory. As a meeting between the tree great nations form, the humans attack and war begins yet again!

HY065 - The war between the humans against the elves and dwarves begin again. This time, the humans have giants, goblins, Devas, and Tieflings yet the Dwarves and elves do not work with each other due to the long hate relationship.

HY071 - After all the carniage, the Deva's notice the humans have changed. They no longer seem to have a pure side and leave the humans side. They join forces with the elves and join the war against the humans and Tieflings.

HY077 - The Dwarves join with the Drow in an alliance and declare war on the elves as well. 

HY080 - Dragonborn are discovered within the realm and join with the Dragons to free the goblins. The goblins join in and this large group begins to fight for domination as the fourth great power. The wars form what is known as the new era, the War Era.


WY001 - NiDragon dies and his second son becomes king, SunDragon.

WY100 - The Four War has gone for one-hundred years at this point. The great kings and queens are:

Human - ShiDragon (Female)
Elves - Respen (Male)
Dwarf - Ham (Pronounced Hom and Male)
Tiefling - Malzer (Male)
Deva - Angelice (Female)
Drow - Kel (Male)
Dragon - Ichatoor (Male)
Goblin - Keng (Male)

WY101- The humans discover the bones of King IchDragon was stolen by the new King of Dragons whom took on part of his name as an insult.

WY102 - Current Year



1) Humans, Tieflings, Giants
2) Elves, Deva
3) Dwarves, Drow
4) Dragons, Dragonborn, Goblins